Monday, July 7, 2014


Ta Phrohm
The ultimate Indiana Jones fantasy, Ta Phrohm is cloaked in dappled shadow, it’s crumbling towers and walls locked in the show muscular embrace of vast three-root systems. If Ankgor Wat, the Bayon and other temples are testimony to the genius us equally of the awesome fecundity and power of the jungle. There is a poetic cycle to this venerable ruin, with humanity first conquering nature to rapidly create, and nature once again conquering humanity to slowly destroy.

Built from 1186 and originally known as rejavahara (Monastery of the King), Ta Prohm was a Buddhist temple dedicated to the mother of Jayavarman VII. Ta Phrohm is a temple of towers, enclosed courtyards and narrow corridors. Ancient threes tower overhead their leaves filtering the sunlight and casting a greenish pall over the whole scene. It is the closest most of us will get to exercising the excitement of the explores of old.

 Phnom Bakheng
Around 400m south of Angkor Thom, this hill’s main draw is the sunset view of Angkor Wat, though this has turned into something of a circus, with hundreds of visitors jockeying for space. The temple built by Yasovarman I (r 889-910), has five tiers, with seven levels (including the base and the summit).

Preah Khan
The temple of Preah Khan (sacred sword) is one of the largest complexes at Angkor – a maze of vaulted corridors, Constructed by Jayavarman VII, this temple has a large square pool surrounded by four smaller square pools, with a circular “islands” in the middle.

Water once flowed into the four pools via four ornamental spouts, in the form of an elephant’s head, a horsed head, a lion’s bead and a human head. It’s safe bet that when the encore Angkor Casinos eventually but inevitably in Las Vegas or Macau, Preah Khan Poan will provide the blueprint for the ultimate swimming complex.

Roluos Group
The monuments of Roluos, which served as indravarman I’s (r 877 – 89) capital, are amoung the curliest large, permanent temple built by the Khmers and mark the dawn of khimer classical art. Phreah Khan dedicated to shiva, has elaborate ingeriptions in Sanskrit on the doorpostsof each tower and some of the best surviving examples of Ankgorian plasterwork. The city’s central temple, Ba Kong, with its five-tier central pyramid of sandstone is a representation of Mr Meru.

Roluos is 13km cast of Siem reap along NH6 and can be easily combined with a visit to the stilted village of Kompong Pluk and the nearby flooded forest.

For more Siem Reap Attractions in Siem Reap Angkor, please visit to our website for details and get many itineraries for your travel to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

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